Hi Everyone,
I would like to wish a huge and hearty Happy Birthday to Expatwomen.com, created by Andrea Martins and Jill Lengre, both of whom have lived or are currently living as expats. Expatwomen.com turns three years old today, and is the go-to website for women who are anticipating a move overseas, or who are already living expat lives in their new countries. I first came across Expatwomen.com two years ago when I began working on Czech Off the Beaten Path. It was the first real expat website that I began to use and have continued to use due to the high quality resources catering to women expats. This site is one of the most comprehensive expat websites I've found on the web.
Expatwomen.com has had a direct impact on my life in many ways. This website offers over 1,000 pages of content, over 1,000 expat women blogs, over 200 readers' stories about their lives abroad, and country resource pages. The site also includes monthly interviews with women living abroad, and also provides inspirational and motivational stories catering to women living overseas. With all this material freely available on their website, I have found much advice that could be applied directly to my own life.
One of my favorite sections on Expatwomen.com is the section dealing with successful expat women. I have found so much to inspire me when reading about other women who are dealing with the same issues I face every day--working and living in a new country. Each month features a new interview with some of the savviest ladies. Another favorite section on the site, for me, is the section listing expat women blogs. Here, I've been able to come to know (in real-life and in virtual life) other expat women, including my friend Karen (at Empty-Nest Expat). Expatwomen.com also offers a free monthly newsletter that ties in directly with their website. I would also recommend this website for women who aren't planning to live overseas. You can learn about the world abroad, but also find advice you can apply to living in your home country, as well.
Thank you Expatwomen.com, and thank you Andrea and Jill, for creating this comprehensive website for expat women! I'll definitely keep visiting and using this website for years to come, and recommend it to others as a great source of information and camaraderie for those living abroad and those who just want to learn more about the world!
Happy Birthday--three years running--and wishing you many more years of success!
God bless,
Sher :0)
Czech Off the Beaten Path Website
Czech Off the Beaten Path T-shirts & More
Sher's Stuff
(c) 2010 by czechoffthebeatenpath
Hi Sher,
May I extend my Birthday wel wishes alongside yours?
A little time to write these last few days being bed-ridden witha bad back. Snow here at last, but I can't play with it or take pictures right now shame:(
I know you've have a good Christmas and New Year lets hope the year picks up in the same way for you.
Regards From Bulgaria
Hi Martin,
Thanks for stopping by! And I know that Expatwomen would say thanks for the happy birthday wishes! :0)
I sure hope you begin to feel better very soon--being laid up with a bad back is not fun! So, take it really easy and get to feeling better!!
Thanks for the new year wishes, too...and the same to you...I hope this will be a better year for us both!!!
Have a great day,
Sher :0)
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