Hi Everyone,
I've just released my first ebook about asthma! Asthma's been a big part of my life since I was a kid, though no one knew I had it back then. I was diagnosed as an adult. Before that my kids were diagnosed with asthma at a young age. The three of us have different types of asthma, with different triggers. I had to learn what worked to keep our asthma more or less under control. These experiences, plus living with asthma overseas, led me to write Asthma's Nothing to Wheeze At!, the first ebook in a series on asthma.
This is a short book, with about 54 pages, is packed full with common sense ideas and methods that may help others. Each of the chapters covers a different aspect of life with asthma. Here's a run-down of the chapters in Asthma's Nothing to Wheeze At:
Chapter 1: Self-Education
Chapter 2: Life After Asthma Diagnosis
Chapter 3: Assistance with Medical Costs
Chapter 4: Stay Safe When Buying Asthma Meds Online
Chapter 5: Seven Tips for Asthma Management
Chapter 6: Tips to Avoid Nocturnal Asthma
Chapter 7: Seven Tips to Quiet an Asthma Cough
Chapter 8: Create an Asthma-Friendly Home
Chapter 9: Tips to Control Cat Allergens
Chapter 10: Asthma Back-to-School Tips
Chapter 11: Traveling with Asthma
Chapter 12: Asthma-Free Holiday Tips
Chapter 13: Asthma-Safe Gift Ideas
Chapter 14: Free Apps for Asthma Management
Asthma Resources
U.S. Asthma Organizations (contact information)
The Asthma Resources section has links to asthma information online, including information on how and where to find affordable health care and medications, a sample asthma diary and how to use it, and much more.
Each chapter is presented in every day, easy to understand American English. The book is straight-to-the-point with no fluff. The tips are ways you can keep your kids' and your asthma more stable and under control.
The ebook's currently available in BellaOnline's ebook shop in a handy PDF format. The introductory price is $.99--so grab your copy before the price goes up! I plan to release Asthma's Nothing to Wheeze At! on Amazon Kindle and other platforms very soon. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you may have about the book.
Have a great day!
God bless,
Sher :0)
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Asthma's Nothing to Wheeze At!
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